Scalewave Marketing

Website Vs. Landing Page: What’s the difference? 

Website Vs. Landing Page: What’s the difference? - Scalewave Marketing

The difference between a website and a landing page is relatively simple. A general website is viewed informational tool and your brand’s digital HQ. A landing page on the other hand, is a one page, offer- specific website attached to the tail end of your advertising funnel.

For example, if you are advertising your cosmetic dentistry services, you want a landing page that clearly & explicitly states exactly that. Going deeper, if you are offering a special deal on invisalign, dental implants, or general braces, the offer should be displayed very visibly at the beginning of the page in a clean and readable manner. The remainder of the page should follow a similar flow to this:

Offer → Opt-In Opportunity (Sign up form) → Explanation + Benefits → Social Proof + Testimonials → End. 

Tip: Provide a minimum of 2+ “opt-in” opportunities throughout the page and make sure that you do not make it OVERLY informational. This would defeat the purpose of the landing page.

Integrating well built landing pages into your process will guarantee better conversion rates, and a more fruitful experience when advertising online. At Scale Wave, we’re proud to have achieved an average landing pages conversion rate of 10%+ across all of our client’s funnels!

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