Scalewave Marketing

B2C Facebook Advertising

B2C Facebook Advertising - Digital Marketing - Scalewave Marketing

Getting results with Digital Marketing has become increasingly difficult in the saturated world of Facebook. You may hear many people & agencies preaching about the ease of customer acquisition through Facebook, but why haven’t YOUR results reflected this hype?

There’s only one explanation… Lack of process! The importance of a well developed, tested advertising funnel process is beyond explanation. Long gone are the days of copy and pasting previously successful ad sets, expecting results. If you, or the digital agency you work with has opted for this “evergreen” ads strategy, the result will be:

  • Absurdly high Cost Per Clicks (CPCs)
  • High Cost Per Mile (CPM – Cost per 1000 impressions)
  • Cost Per Acquisition Rates (CPA’s) that DEMOLISH your return on investment

The solution? Get to know your target audience. The facets of foundational marketing due diligence and market research should not go by the wayside in the digital sphere… IF you want your results to reflect your spending. In fact, understanding your customer and your market is now more important than ever! Building a strong, targeted audience is a prerequisite for success on Facebook… don’t believe us? 

Go through the Facebook advertising practice with a “loose checklist” in your back pocket. What I mean by this, is that you should be asking yourself the following questions:

  • Does my brand/video/ad-copy portray my business as trustworthy?
  • Is my ad copy reflecting potential customer pain-points?
  • Does my brand have enough social proof to nurture a successful campaign?
  • Is this ad positioning my business as the optimal solution for the potential customer’s problem.

These are key questions that will help you assess your process and garner more successful results from your campaigns. Now, once you feel that you’ve taken care of the basics (we recommend planning campaigns on pen and paper), you’re ready to roll.

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