Scalewave Marketing

What Facebook Campaign Objective Should I Use To Generate Leads For My Business?

What Facebook Campaign Objective Should I Use To Generate Leads For My Business?

The golden question. In 2019, Facebook offers a plethora of objectives to suit every campaign goal possible. From post boosts, to complex conversion campaigns, Facebook provides a comprehensive array of options, but which one is right for you?

Rather than ask which campaign objective you should choose, ask yourself: What is my overall goal? 

For most business owners, the ultimate goal is leads… accomplishing that goal without wasting ad spend and keeping your potential for return on investment (known as ROAS) in the online advertising world, is the difficult part. Generally, the initial inclination is to run a lead form campaign, or set up a custom conversion (for you “advanced” people) then start running the campaign. Surely, there must be a way to make this advertising channel work, right? 

The Facebook Advertising Funnel

Facebook’s targeting system is brilliant, but can’t bear all of the burden entailed when generating leads for your business. Therefore, you must create a systematic process to test, build, & engage an audience that is most likely to interact with, or use your product. This is done through Facebook’s revolutionary audience manager, in which you can use previous campaign results (video viewers, website viewers, current customer lists, etc) and leverage them to create smaller segments of audiences that have proven their interest. Advertising directed at individuals that have already interacted with your content does a multitude of things, two of the most important being:

  • Increases conversions

  • Reduces cost per result

Simplified: Be weary when choosing your campaign objectives, as not every lead campaign generates leads, and not every brand awareness campaign gets people talking about your business. In order to succeed using Facebook Ads manager, you must initially take the proper “pre-campaign” measures to ensure that your Facebook pixel is properly integrated into your website header, & your “events” and “custom conversions” are defined & functioning properly. Assuming the previously mentioned steps are done correctly… planning out a funnel that works for your business is a fun, intimate process that you should enjoy being a part of. 

This might sound like a lot of work, information, and learning… because it is. However, it becomes much easier when you shift from what we like to call a “run and gun” advertising mindset, to a “ plan, pivot, prosper” mindset. Therefore, before running the next campaign that you expect to generate tons of leads and revenue for your business, make sure everything is done the right way, from your ad copy, all the way to your landing page.

While the process takes longer and can seem mundane, it’s crucial for you digital marketing success. Whether you’re a dentist attracting dental implant leads, or a martial artist trying to grow his school… the methodology remains the same. 

If building out landing pages and Facebook ad funnels seems too time consuming for you, we can help! 

Contact us at or visit us at

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